Novelltävling om St Petersburg

Vidarebefordrar ett tips om novelltävling som precis kom från Ahrvid på Skriva. Det är Eurocon 2015 som har en novelltävling om St Petersburg. Fantastic St Petersburg. Ska man kanske rentav delta? Har varit där för något år sen. Priset är ett par gratis ex av boken men tänk känslan, att ha blivit publicerad på ryska! Förstapristagaren får dessutom 5000 rubel (ca 100 €).

Det är väldigt kort tid kvar, 15/1 ska bidragen vara inne. Tur att de ska mailas. Valfri genre. Max 3000 ord. Undrar var minimun ligger? 3000 ord är ändå ganska många tecken …

Söker du tävlingar? Här är fler!


about the literary competition “Fantastic St. Petersburg” is dedicated to the Eurocon-2015 and Interpresscon conventions

The organizing committee of Eurocon-2015 is proud to announce our short story competition “Fantastic St. Petersburg”. The theme stands for St. Peterburg and, life of the megapolis and in the megapolis and contribution to the world culture the city used to make.

St. Petersburg as a personality is welcome to use in plots. Entries are accepted from November 1, 2014 to January 15, 2015.

The entries will be judged by a board appointed by the organizing committee. 30 best short stories will be selected by the committee and then send them for decision to the judge board. Every judge will score a story in 1 to 10 scale. The highest scored stories will be declared a winner and followers. The decision made the herein described way is final and cannot be changed.

On February 15, 2015 there will be a list of 12-15 selected stories published on convention site ( Those stories will be published as a short story anthology “Fantastic St. Peterburg”. The chair of the judge board will also declare the winner.


Any submission maybe previously published or unpublished in English or Russian. Any genre is acceptable. Size of stories should not exceed 3000 words each. One or two submissions per author allowed.

Authors should agree to grant non-commercial non-paid rights for publication. The printrun of the anthology will not exceed 999 copies. All right are reverted to contributors upon publication.

Submit your short stories as attached files (DOC, DOCX, RTF) to our e-mail: Within the main text of your email please put your name, city and country, phone number and contact email. If you wish to submit your short story under a pseudonym please indicate so. By submitting your story you guaranty that it is your sole work. Submission of stories written by other authors will lead to disqualification.

The Judge Board

  1. Alexander Sidorovich (Chairman), chairmain of the EuroCon-2015 committee, chief-editor of the “ID Leningrad” publishing house;
  2. Svetlana Vasilieva, SF&F writer, member of the St.Petersburg Writers Union ;
  3. Yulia Zonis, SF&F writer, member of the St.Petersburg Writers Union ;
  4. Alexander Olexenko, deputy-chair of the Eurocon-2015 committee;
  5. Nikolay Romanezkiy, board member of the Eurocon-2015 committee, SF&F writer, member of the St.Petersburg Writers Union and the Union of Russian writers;


12-15 stories selected by the judges will be declared winners of the competition. They are subject for a bilingual (in Russian and in English) publication (circa April 2015), the anthology “Fantastic St. Petersburg”. Winners in English will be additionally translated into Russian and winner in Russian will be translated into English.

Winners will receive two copies of the antology free.

The first place winner selected by the judge chair will also receive a reward of 5000 Russian Rubles (approx. 100 euro).


Organizers: phone +7 95 0000 95 00, e-mail:

The competition coordinator: Nikolay Romanezkiy (phone +7-921-380-62-16, e-mail:

The official competition page:



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