Magic Oxygen Literary Price

Här kommer en riktigt magisk skrivartävling!

Det kostar 5 £ att delta men de betalar sig direkt: för varje deltagare planterar MOLP ett träd och ger dig koordinaterna till var just ditt träd står! Dessutom kan du vinna pengar. OCH du bidrar till att bygga ett klassrum i en skola i Kenya. Kan det bli bättre?

Det skulle i så fall vara att tävlingen Magic Oxygen Literary Price är öppen för både poeter och novellister!

Now in its third year, #MOLP3 has an incredible prize fund of £3,000, which will be awarded in each category as follows:

  • First Prize – £1,000
  • Second Prize – £300
  • Third Prize – £100
  • Two Highly Commended – £50

We also plant a tree for every single entry we receive in Bore, Kenya and we’ll email you the GPS coordinates of it once the contest has closed and we’ve received confirmation of them from our Word Forest Coordinator, Ru Hartwell.

Additionally, your entry will also help fund the construction of another much needed new classroom at Kundeni Primary School in the same community – click here to see the one our previous contests built.

It is worthy of note that none of this would be possible without the kind support and sponsorship we’ve had from the guys at Bunaken Oasis Dive Resort.

 The Rules in Brief

  • Open for entries 1st September 2016, through to midnight on 31st December 2016
  • Short Stories up to 4,000 words, excluding title
  • Poetry up to 50 lines, excluding title and lines between stanzas
  • The theme for short stories and poetry is open
  • Online entries preferred but written entries are also accepted (Click here for the address and postal details)
  • Open to writers all over the world
  • Entrants must be 16 or over at the time of submission
  • Entries must be written in English and must be your own previously unpublished work
  • Entries must show no name, address or identifying marks other than the title
  • You may submit as many entries as you wish
  • £5 per entry
  • Closing date midnight 31st December 2016

Click here to read the rules, Ts and Cs in full.

Your submission will also act as your acceptance of the rules.

Good luck!

The Team

PS: Find out what piqued the interest of our judges in previous years by downloading the eBook anthologies from MOLP1 and MOLP2 for just £5.00 for the pair! Not only will you be able to enjoy the top ten stories stories and poems from each year, but we’ll plant two trees for you in our Word Forest as well! Click here to place your order.

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