Skriver du Science Fiction? Då kanske Imagining Indigenous Futurisms är något för dig!
Det är en årlig novelltävling som nu arrangeras för sjunde året. Vinst 1.000 $. Deadline 1/11.
Så här står det:
Imagining Indigenous Futurisms
7th Annual Science Fiction Writing Contest
$1,000 Award
Deadline: November 1, 2016
Open to any emerging writer with an interest in exploring Indigenous issues through the medium of science fiction
200 word statement with background and goals in sf
Previously unpublished sf writing sample up to 4,000 words
To: Professor Grace L. Dillon (Anishinaabe) at
Judged by acclaimed playwright and novelist Andrea Hairston, Carl Brandon Parallax Award winner and finalist, James Tiptree, Jr. Award, Philip K. Dick Award, and Dana Award in the Novel; author of Mindscape, Redwood and Wildfire, and Will Do Magic for Small Change.