500 ord i Hemingways anda

Dagens andra skrivartävling, denna gång ett tips från Ahrvid på Skriva. Mycket trevlig sammanslutning, som förärade mig ett pris i sin egen skrivartävling förra året.

Skriv 500 ord i Hemingways anda och skicka in till Florida Keys Flash Fiction Contest så kan du vinna en vistelse i Hemingways hus! Så här står det i tävlingsreglerna:

Begin your next writing project in literary legend Ernest Hemingway’s own Key West study … spend up to three weeks in a Studios of Key West residency cottage … and attend Hemingway Days festival events on the subtropical island.

Studios of Key West
A residency cottage at The Studios of Key West.

Enter the Florida Keys Flash Fiction Contest to win a three-week Key West residency at the renowned Studios of Key West between July 5 and July 31, 2016.

Inspire your creativity by spending up to 10 days writing in Ernest Hemingway’s private study at the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum — and experience Hemingway Days 2016, celebrating the iconic author who called Key West home in the 1930s.

Submit your finest flash fiction story, 500 words or less, between now and March 31, 2016.

Hemingway HouseThe Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum in Key West.

The contest’s final judge is a representative of the critically acclaimed Key West Literary Seminar.

Enter the Florida Keys Flash Fiction Contest and compete to write where Hemingway did — during this never-before-offered Key West literary residency.

Accommodations, an air travel card and a meal gift card are included as part of the prize as set forth in the official contest rules.

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