The Roswell Award

Skriver du science fiction? Är över 18 och bor någonstans i denna världen? Då är här novelltävlingen för dig: The Roswell Award! Tidigare vinnare har kommit från Malawi, Ethiopia, Singapore, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, England, America, Kazakhstan – och Sverige!

Här kommer reglerna – på engelska men eftersom du måste skriva på engelska borde det inte vara något problem. FB sidan verkar inte vara uppdaterad (står 3/3 2017) men på den länk du finner här står 29/1 2018. Kolla gärna med dem för säkerhets skull.

Adults ages 18 and older from around the world are invited to submit your short science fiction stories to THE ROSWELL AWARD presented by Sci-Fest L.A. and Light Bringer Project by 11:59pm on Friday, March 3, 2017. Five Finalists will be chosen and their stories read dramatically by celebrity guests in a special performance at LitFest Pasadena on Saturday, May 20, 2017 followed by an awards presentation. One winner will be chosen from the five Finalists and all Finalists as well as the Honorable Mentions will receive certificates recognizing their work.

Sci-Fest L.A. and Light Bringer Project seek to identify and nurture new science fiction writing talent in all corners of the globe. Science fiction writing provides a unique opportunity for writers to develop the ideas and narratives that will shape the future of humanity from how we address pressing scientific, social, philosophical, and environmental issues to inspiring us to develop new technologies and explore outer space. And of course we’re excited to see stories that entertain. We are proud to be taking a leadership role in developing the next generation of science fiction writers.


* Contestants must be at least 18 years of age.
* Stories must be 1,500 words or less.
* Stories must be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
* Stories must include a cover page with the following information: Name, email address, and phone number of the applicant; country in which the applicant resides; story title; story word count.
* Stories must not have any previous publication online or in print.
* Stories must be original and must not be fan fiction.
* Stories must be received by 11:59pm on Friday, March 3, 2017.
* Stories must be submitted to
* There is no fee to submit and multiple submissions are accepted.


* The Roswell Award Winner: $500 USD

Each Finalist and Honorable Mention will also receive a certificate of recognition and additional donated prizes from The Roswell Award sponsors.

Each person submitting a piece of short science fiction (“Story”) for consideration (“Applicant”) by the Sci-Fest L.A. ad Light Bringer Project Roswell Award for Short Science Fiction Writing Contest, operated by Sci-Fest, LLC and Light Bringer Project (the “Contest”) acknowledges and agrees to the following Terms and Conditions:

1. The author of the Story must be at least 18 years of age at the time of submission. Stories must be typed and must have the Applicant’s name, email address, phone number; country in which the applicant resides; title of their story; and story word count clearly typed on the title page. Stories must be original (not fan
fiction), be no more than 1,500 words, have a science fiction theme, and be submitted to as an attachment in Microsoft Word document format. In order to be
considered, submitted Stories must be received by the Contest no later than 11:59pm PST on March 3, 2017. All Stories submitted to the Contest must be written in English.

2. The Contest does not charge a fee for submission of Stories. Applicants may submit more than one Story to the Contest.

3. The Contest will choose five Stories to be Finalists, as well as a several Honorable Mentions. Each Applicant whose Story is chosen as one of the Finalists will be notified via the email address provided
to the Contest of such decision. The Finalists’ Stories will be read aloud by well-known actors, including celebrities associated with iconic Sci-Fi TV shows, during a Dramatic Reading & Awards
Ceremony to be held on May 20, 2017 at LitFest Pasadena. The winner of The Roswell Award for Short Science Fiction will be announced at the above referenced award ceremony and receive a donated cash prize of $500.00. All Finalists and the Honorable Mentions receive certificates of recognition. The Contest’s decisions on which Stories to designate as Finalists or the Winner and Honorable Mentions will be made in the Contest’s sole discretion and are final.

4. Each Applicant represents and warrants that he or she has the power and authority to submit the Story(s) to The Tomorrow Prize, that the Story is an original work of authorship by him or her, and that neither any Story nor the submission thereof to the Contest infringe(s) upon or violates any rights of any third party.

5. Each Applicant represents that he or she has not published their Story(s) prior to the competition in print or online. Once notified that they are not Finalists or Honorable Mentions, Applicants may submit their stories elsewhere.

6. Sci-Fest L.A. and Light Bringer Project have the non-exclusive right to publish the Finalists’ and Honorable Mentions’ stories up to one year after the May 20, 2017 Reading and Awards event.

7. Each Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Contest, Sci-Fest, LLC, Light Bringer Project, their affiliates, licensees, members, managers, directors, officers, employees, agents, and attorneys, and their respective successors, assigns and legal representatives, from any and all manner of claims and/or proceedings arising from or related in any way to the Applicant’s submission (or in the case of Finalists or Honorable Mentions stories, publication) of a Story or Stories to the Contest.

8. Each Applicant hereby grants the Contest the non-exclusive right, for a period of one year from the date of Applicant’s submission of a Story, to forward the Story to one or more third party production companies, networks, or studios (“Producers”) to permit such Producers to evaluate the Story for possible acquisition by them for development as a motion picture, television, or other media project (“Production”). In the event such a Producer wishes to contact an Applicant to attempt to negotiate acquisition of said rights in an
Applicant’s Story, Applicant further authorizes the Contest to provide Applicant’s e-mail address (or other contact information supplied by Applicant) for that purpose.

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