Nytt skrivartävlingstips – egenpublicerade böcker!

Dagens andra skrivartävlingstips – egenpublicerade böcker!

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Deadline: September 21, 2015

Writer’s Digest hosts its 3rd Annual Self-Published e-Book Awards–a competition that spotlights today’s self-published works and honors self-published authors. Whether you’re a professional writer, a part-time freelancer or a self-starting student, here’s your chance to enter WD’s newest competition, exclusively for self-published e-books.

One Grand Prize winner will receive:

  • $5,000 in cash
  • A feature article about you and your book for the May/June 2016 issue of Writer’s Digest
  • Winner’s name on the cover of Writer’s Digest magazine (subscriber issues)
  • A paid trip to the ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference!
  • 30-minute platform & marketing consultation with Chuck Sambuchino, author of Create Your Writer Platform
  • $200 worth of Writer’s Digest books
  • One year Subscription (new or renewal) to Writer’s Digest magazine

One First Prize winner in each category will receive:

  • $1,000 in cash
  • Promotion in the May/June 2016 issue of Writer’s Digest
  • $100 worth of Writer’s Digest books
  • One year Subscription (new or renewal) to Writer’s Digest magazine

Honorable Mention Winners will receive $50 worth of Writer’s Digest Books and promotion on www.writersdigest.com.

All entrants will receive a brief commentary from one of the judges.

JUST ADDED! All entrants receive complimentary registration for a live webinar on October 6, 2015, titled Social Media for Writers.

Do you want to build a following and sell more books? In this lively 60-minute webinar, authors and social media experts Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine examine the most popular applications of social networking and introduce new tools that connect not just with other applications but with a community that carries influence and impact. Beginning with set up and ending with Best Practices and Online Etiquette, Tee and Pip will help you establish your network, incorporate third-party applications, and create a community for your work through your thoughts, opinions, and online resources. Attendees will have an opportunity ask questions of the presenters. Any questions not addressed during the event will be answered afterwards via email.

Philippa (“Pip”) Ballantine has been writing professionally since 1997, and since then she has gone on to publish novels and even serve as Technical Editor on Tee Morris’ All a Twitter. In 2006 she become New Zealand’s first podcast novelist, and she has voiced and produced Weaver’s Web, Chasing the Bard, Weather Child, and Digital Magic as podiobooks. She is the author of the Books of the Order series with Ace Books, the Shifted World series with Pyr Books, and has appeared in several anthologies as well as a nonfiction collection of essays entitled A Taste of True Blood from BenBella Books. She is the co-author with Tee Morris of Social Media for Writers. (Writer’s Digest Books, Nov 2015)

Tee Morris has been an active member in social media since 2005 when he podcast, MOREVI, the first novel podcast in its entirety. That experience let to the co-authoring of Podcasting for Dummies and Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies. Tee is also the author of All a Twitter and Sams Teach Yourself Twitter in 10 Minutes. Morris is co-author of The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series, written with his wife, Pip Ballantine. The most recent volume, The Diamond Conspiracy, was published in March 2015. Previous titles in the series were named as finalists in Goodreads Best in Science Fiction 2011 and 2012.


  • Mainstream/Literary Fiction
  • Genre Fiction (Includes all sub-genres such as Romance, Horror, Science Fiction, Humor, etc.)
  • Nonfiction (General, Cookbooks, Reference, Guidebooks, Textbooks)
  • Inspirational (Spiritual, New Age)
  • Life Stories (Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories, Memoirs)
  • Children’s Picture books
  • Middle-Grade/Young Adult
  • Poetry
  • How to Enter
    • You must register and submit your ebook online. You may enter more than one book and/or more than one category; however, you must submit each book separately and pay the additional fee for each entry. We accept check, money order or credit card payment for the required judging fee. All checks will be cashed within 60 days of the competition final deadline. Entry fees are non-refundable.
    • The competition is open to all English-language self-published ebooks for which the authors have paid the full cost of publication, or the cost has been paid for by a grant or as part of a prize. Entries will be evaluated on content, writing quality and overall quality of production and appearance. All ebooks published between 2010 and 2015 are eligible. (Writer’s Digest may demand proof of eligibility of semifinalists.)
    • Due to SEC restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, or North Korea.
    • For more information visit our Preparing Your Entry Page or our FAQ page.


Det här inlägget postades i Ett eget företag, Facklitteratur, Fantasy/Science fiction/Skräck, Författa och marknadsföra, Noveller, Romaner, Skrivartävlingar, Verser och dikter, lyrik och har märkts med etiketterna , , , , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.

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