Novelltävling på engelska

Alla goda ting är tre, i alla fall i sagovärlden, så här kommer dagens tredje skrivartävlingstips. Novelltävling på engelska. (Det finns tävlingar på svenska här)

Det är gott om tid: deadline 16/11. Och gott om priser: hela 25 vinnare. Observera att du måste gå in på Writers Digest hemsida för att tävla. Lycka till!

We’re looking for short stories! Think you can write a winning story in 1,500 words or less? Enter the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition for your chance to win $3,000 in cash, get published in Writer’s Digest magazine, and a paid trip to our ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference! The winning entries will be on display in the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition Collection.


One First Place Winner will receive:

  • $3,000 in cash
  • Their short story title published in Writer’s Digest magazine’s July/August 2016 issue
  • A paid trip to the ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference!
  • A copy of the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection
  • A copy of the 2016 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market
  • A copy of the 2016 Guide to Literary Agents
The Second Place Winner will receive:

  • $1,500 in cash
  • Their short story title published in Writer’s Digest magazine’s July/August 2016 issue
  • A copy of the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection
  • A copy of the 2016 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market
  • A copy of the 2016 Guide to Literary Agents

The Third Place Winner will receive:

  • $500 in cash
  • Their short story title published in Writer’s Digest magazine’s July/August 2016 issue
  • A copy of the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection
  • A copy of the 2016 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market
  • A copy of the 2016 Guide to Literary Agents

Fourth through Tenth Place Winners will receive:

  • $100 in cash
  • Their short story titles published in Writer’s Digest magazine’s July/August 2016 issue
  • A copy of the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection
  • A copy of the 2016 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market
  • A copy of the 2016 Guide to Literary Agents

Eleventh through Twenty-Fifth Place Winners will receive:

  • A $50 gift certificate for
  • A copy of the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection

How to Enter

  • Enter online or submit your entry via regular mail. Offline entries must be accompanied by an Entry Form, and the required entry fee (credit card information, check or money order made payable to F+W Media, Inc.). If you are entering more than one manuscript, you may mail all entries in the same envelope and write one check for the total entry fee. You may enter online even if you are paying with a check. All checks will be cashed within 60 days of the competition final deadline. Entry fees are non-refundable.
  • Your entry must be original, in English, unpublished and unproduced, not accepted by any other publisher or producer at the time of submission. Writer’s Digest retains one-time nonexclusive publication rights to the winning entries to be published in a Writer’s Digest publication. Any piece posted online, anywhere other than a personal blog, is considered published.
  • If you are submitting your entry via regular mail (NOT using the online entry form), the entry must be typed on one side of 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 white paper. All manuscripts must be double-spaced. Your name, address, and phone number must appear in the upper left-hand corner of the first page —otherwise your entry is disqualified. Entries submitted online do not need name, address, and phone number in the upper left-hand corner of the first page since that information is collected on the form.
  • BE SURE OF YOUR WORD COUNT! Entries exceeding the word limits will be disqualified. Type the exact word count (counting every single word, except the title and contact information) at the top of the manuscript.
  • Mailed entries that are more than one page in length must be stapled.
  • Due to SEC restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, or North Korea.
  • For more information visit our Preparing Your Entry Page or our FAQ page.
  • Click here for a printable entry form.  It is to be used for entries submitted via regular mail.


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