Ett stort antal internationella novelltävlingar

Tack vare tips från Ahrvid som i sin tur tipsats av Ylva Karlsson fann jag den fantastiska sidan Writing competitions coming up 2016 som är helt fullmatad med internationella novelltävlingar.

Vad sägs om nedanstående lista? Den är så lång att jag inte lägger in varje skrivartävling separat utan helt enkelt hänvisar dig som skriver på engelska till Almond Press hemsida, klicka på länken ovan och lycka till!

The American Shorter Fiction Contest
Plymouth Writers Group 2016 Writing Competition
Artificium Short Story Competition
Artificium ’IN BRIEF’ Competition
Doolin Writers Competition
Less Than 100 Words
Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook Short Story Competition
Dragon Knight Chronicles Short Story Competiton
Bath Flash Fiction Award
Book the Break Short Story Competition
Stratford Literary Festival Felix Dennis Prize
Stratford Literary Festival Felix Dennis Prize
The Cult of Me February Short Fiction Contest
Exeter Writers Short Story Competition
Reader’s Digest 100-word story competition
Psychopomp Magazine Short Fiction Contest
Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities Writing Competition
1000 word challenge
Margery Allingham Short Story Competition
THRESHOLDS International Feature Writing Competition
The Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction
”Imagination Begins with You” High School Writing Contest
Oxford Editors Crime in Oxford Competition
Write and Win
The British theatre Challenge
The Rubery Book Award
Nivalis Short Story Contest
Short Fiction Prize
WCSC Short Fiction Contest
The Bath Novel Award
Limnisa Short Story Competition
The Bath Short Story Award
Bristol Short Story Prize
Int’l Short Story Conference Competition
Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest
The Exeter Story Prize
Trio Award
SI Leeds Literary Prize
Conium Review Innovative Short Fiction Contestt
David Nathan Meyerson Prize for Fiction
The Sitcom Mission
Hourglass Literary Magazine Contest
Impress Prize for New Writers
HG Wells Short Story Competition (writers 21 and under)
2016 To Hull & Back Competition
Arkbound Short Story Competition
Manchester Writing Competition 2016
The RW Short Story Prize
The RW Flash Fiction Prize
WOW! Award
National Novel Writing Month
Mona Schreiber Prize Humorous Fiction and Nonfiction
99 Words
Ad Hoc Fiction


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