Crime & Thriller Competition

Det är tur att man besöker sina kollegors sidor ibland. Nyss fann jag en ny, spännande skrivartävling på Kim M Kimselius förträffliga sida:

Killer Fiction – Crime & Thriller Competition

Writers & Artists are excited to announce a new competition dedicated exclusively to crime and thriller writing. Whether you have a polished manuscript sitting at home, have just completed your first draft or are only a few thousand words in, we want you to submit up to the first 2,000 words of your page-turner.  This is your chance to get your work in front of a literary agent and receive expert feedback to help you on your journey towards publication.

To enter the competition and be in with the chance of winning our brilliant prizes, all you have to do is enter up to the first 2,000 words of a crime/thriller manuscript (for adults) and email it to with ”Killer fiction competition” as the subject line.

We’re offering you the chance to win a pair of tickets to our upcoming Writing Crime & Thriller Fiction event on Saturday 19th September – with talks from literary agents, bestselling authors and creative writing tutors – the latest edition of the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook and a book bundle including all four of Thomas Mogford’s Spike Sanguinetti mysteries, Close Call by Stella Rimington, the W&A Companion Guide to Novel Writing and the W&A Companion Guide to Crime and Thriller Writing. Most importantly, you’ll receive direct feedback from a literary agent on your work. Two runners-up will receive a copy of the W&A Companion Guide to Novel Writing and the W&A Companion Guide to Crime and Thriller Writing.

The closing date is midnight on Friday 31st July 2015. The winners of the competition will be announced on this site in August 2015.

Don’t forget to read the full details, terms and conditions (below) before you enter. Please remember to register on before submitting your entry, or it will not be valid.

Good luck!

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